How much do you really know about flush mount lighting? Sure, you know the basics—you know what it looks like and you probably even know how to install it correctly, but if you’re not sure which flush mount lighting to choose, picking the right one can be challenging and time-consuming. To help your decision-making process go smoothly, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide on how to pick the best flush mount lighting for your needs and preferences. Read on to learn more!
Understanding the flush mount lighting
Before we get into how to pick out and buy flush mount lighting, it’s important that you understand what flush mount lighting is in the first place. Some people will use these two terms interchangeably, but they refer to two very different things. In fact, flush mount lighting is actually a subset of ceiling lighting. It refers specifically to recessed lights installed in a ceiling. Recessed means they are contained within an enclosure (in other words, not exposed). The flush mount refers to when light fixtures are set at such a depth in ceilings that no portion of them protrudes; only when one looks straight down from above can one see their light fixture. Since many homes contain many different types of ceiling lights, including both indoor and outdoor varieties like chandeliers and wall sconces, understanding which type your local hardware store sells is crucial.
Things to consider when buying flush mount lights
If you’re looking for flush mount lighting, there are a few things you need to consider before your final purchase. The first question you should ask yourself is how much space will I have on my ceiling? This will ultimately determine how big of a fixture can fit comfortably on your ceiling. Do you also need to take into account how many lights do I want? If you need multiple fixtures, it’s not recommended that they overlap. Overlapping lights could give off an X-shaped look across your room. Instead, try using additional pendants or hang one above each seating area. Think about why you are buying these lights: Will they be mostly decorative or functional? Decorative lights don’t typically include hanging hardware since that would ruin their clean look—they just need to be able to sit nicely on top of your existing light switch.
What are the different types of flush mounts?
There are many different styles of flush mount lighting that come in a variety of shapes and sizes. In order to figure out which style is best for your home, it’s important to know what types exist. The best place to start is with your building’s aesthetic and architectural details. Once you have a general idea of what you’re looking for, search online or visit a local lighting store. You can also consult an interior designer if you don’t feel comfortable picking something out on your own. Regardless of how you do it, though, make sure you check every option carefully before making a final decision—no matter how fast they are to install or how beautiful they look when installed, poorly chosen light fixtures will not give off adequate illumination.
Choosing the right stylish flush mount lights
Style isn’t everything when you’re selecting flush mount lighting, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. If you have a design scheme in mind, stick with it. Otherwise, it’s often easier to match existing lighting fixtures or select something that complements your room décor. Choose lights that are relatively subtle and hang them at eye level or just above: Avoid hanging lights too high or too low for safety and energy efficiency.
Quality over quantity
It’s better to have two great lights than four that aren’t so hot. With flush mount lighting, space is limited and so you want fixtures that will not only fit in your desired space but also pack a punch when it comes to illumination. If you plan on hanging more than one flush mount fixture in a room, pay attention to how they look together before making your purchase. You might need to pick up multiple units of your favorite style if you don’t like what you see. And if installation is an issue, be sure to check out our handy guide on installing ceiling light fixtures.
Tips for installing your new ceiling light fixture
It’s a relatively simple job, but there are a few things you should be aware of before you get started. Keep these pointers in mind when installing your new flush mount light fixture:
1) Measure twice! Not only will taking extra time to measure ensure that your fixture is installed correctly, but it also prevents accidentally over-or under-installing it.
2) Good lighting can make all the difference in your home. And an improperly placed light fixture can cause unflattering shadows or glaring spots on wall art.
3) Lights with dimmers might seem like they would offer more flexibility, but they actually tend to use more energy than fixed lighting. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them; just keep their additional power usage in mind if you have concerns about electricity costs or carbon emissions.
4) If your existing ceiling fan has incandescent bulbs, consider swapping them out for CFLs. The newer bulbs don’t emit heat and last longer.