The lighting you choose for your home will be different throughout every single room. You may not notice this at first, because you will simply be going along with everything you have seen in homes up to this point. But honestly, there is a little rhyme and reason as to why some rooms in a home have more lighting options than others. This is especially true when it comes to the living room and bedroom. 

What to Consider When Choosing Lighting for Your Living Room and Bedroom

Lighting for the Living Room

Lots of light can be helpful in a living room, but we prefer to choose quality lighting fixtures for this space in a home. Any quality light fixture can ensure you have plenty of light without needing to install extra lighting fixtures you may not want. 

While lights along the ceiling can be helpful in illuminating this entire room, you will want to add ambient lighting and casual lighting too. Ambient lighting can be installed with dimmer switches, while spotlights can help brighten up that amazing work of art you purchased just for this room. 

We also recommend adding table lamps or floor lamps near couches or chairs. These lamps will allow you to read a book or magazine without needing to turn on the brighter lights in the room. Plus, you can leave those lamps on all night long if you know you are going to have a sleepless night where you walk back and forth to the living room. 

We love layering lights in living rooms, so do not think you can ever have too much lighting options in this space. 

Lighting Living Room

Lighting for the Bedroom

You won’t want, or need, too many lighting options in the bedroom. This space should always be a calming space, which is why we recommend choosing bedside lamps as your main lighting. We also recommend choosing soft blue light bulbs or a neutral tone, instead of the cool white color you will be using throughout the rest of your home. This will ensure you are not exposed to bright lighting as you are reading before going to sleep for the night. 

If you are the type of person that uses their bedroom as a home office as well, we recommend placing a desk lamp in your office space. And if you don’t have enough room on your desk, a floor lamp will work quite well too. The goal is to provide lighting for your office, without creating too much light in the rest of the room when you do not need it. 

We recommend you keep all these things in mind when you are choosing lighting for both your living room and bedroom. After all, choosing the proper lighting in these rooms of your home will have you enjoying each space as you spend time in them. And don’t worry if you can’t get the lighting right at first. You can always start small and keep adding lighting options until you have just the right amount of light in each room. 

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